How do I Clear Cache & Cookies?

  • Updated



I need to clear my cache & cookies and don't know how. 


Google Chrome


  1. Navigate to the kebab menu top right of your Chrome browser.
  2. Next, select More Tools and click Clear Browsing Data.

  3. The modal for Clear browsing data will pop up and present the options for Basic and Advanced.
    1. Select Advanced and set the time frame to All Time
    2. Check on Cookies and Other Site Data & Cached Images and Files
    3. Click Clear Data
  4. Perform a hard refresh once you return the KipuCRM window.
    1. MAC Users: Hold down Cmd and Shift key and then press R
    2. Window Users: Click F5 (or Fn key and F5 at the same time

Clearing cache and cookies will assist in resolving issues relating to load times and formatting issues.


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